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Visual Basic Form  |  1991-08-09  |  7KB  |  222 lines

  1. Rollodex
  2. Sample Address Book
  3. Form2*
  4. Text1
  5. Record
  6. Fname
  7. Label1
  8. &First name:
  9. &Save
  10. Lname
  11. Marquis
  12. Label2
  13. Last &name:
  14. Contact
  15. 02/06/1961
  16. Label3
  17. Last &contact:
  18. Address
  19. 135 Chestnut Street
  20. Label4
  21.     &Address:
  22. E&xit
  23. Bridgewater
  24. Label5
  25. &City:
  26. State
  27. Label6
  28. &State:
  29. 08807
  30. Label10
  31. Record no:
  32. ThisRec
  33. Label7
  34. &Zip code:
  35.         HomePhone
  36. (908) 707-1316
  37. Label8
  38. &Home phone:
  39.     WorkPhone
  40. (908) 707-1316
  41. Label9
  42. &Work phone:
  43. Fname_Change
  44. Form_Click
  45. Form_LinkClose
  46. Form_LinkErrore
  47. LinkErr,
  48. Form_LinkExecute
  49. CmdStrK
  50. Cancel6
  51. Form_LinkOpenR
  52. @    Form_Load
  53. LogonServer
  54. StatusT
  55. OpenDataBase
  56. FileName
  57. Handlej
  58.     DBFHandle
  59. Decimal
  60. ftype1
  61. FName
  62. OffSet
  63. CreateDataBase
  64. NewDbfName
  65. VScroll1_Change
  66.     StatusDBF
  67. dbftype
  68. DBTPtr
  69. NumRecs
  70. NumFlds
  71. RecLen
  72. UpDate
  73. RolloDex
  74. RecordR
  75.     GetRecord
  76. RecData@
  77. DisplayRecordD
  78. RecNum
  79. GetField
  80. FldNum1
  81. FldName
  82. FldData
  83. Text,
  84. LName
  85. Contact
  86. Address
  87. State
  88.     HomePhone
  89.     WorkPhone
  90. OpenDBF
  91.     CreateDBF
  92. GetRECM
  93. GetFLDb
  94. File__Clicki
  95. Save_Click
  96. Lname_Change
  97. Record_Change]
  98. Label1_Clickm
  99. Label2_Click}
  100. Label3_Click
  101. Label4_Click
  102. Label5_Click
  103. Label6_Click
  104. Label7_Click
  105. Label8_Click
  106. Label9_Clicku
  107. State_Change
  108. Text1_Change
  109. WorkPhone_Change
  110. Zip_Change
  111. Address_Change
  112. City_Change
  113. Contact_Change
  114. Delete_Click
  115. File_Exit_Click
  116. HomePhone_Change
  117. PutFLD
  118. PutRec
  119. Value
  120. @    New_Click
  121. @    ClearForm
  122. SaveForm
  123. fldata{
  124. Quit_ClickW
  125. EndProgram
  126. CloseDBF
  127. LogOffServer
  128. OrigRec
  129. Fname_LostFocus
  130. Fname_LinkClose
  131. Fname_LinkError
  132. Fname_LinkOpenJ
  133. City_LostFocus
  134. City_LinkClose
  135. City_LinkError
  136. City_LinkOpen?
  137. Lname_LostFocusR
  138. Contact_LostFocus
  139. Address_LostFocus(
  140. State_LostFocus
  141. Zip_LostFocus
  142. WorkPhone_LostFocus
  143. HomePhone_LostFocus
  144. GetFLDS
  145. ThisRecj
  146. --- make the database handle a shared variable
  147. Form_Load
  148. Open the database if, if unsucessful then 
  149. create itd
  150. --- logon the server
  151. --- open the database
  153. --- if can't open it, then create it
  154. nine fields
  155. length
  156. character field
  158. field name
  159. length
  160. character fielda
  162. field name
  163. length
  164. character fielde
  165. CONTACT"
  166. field name
  167. length
  168. character fielda
  169. ADDRESS"
  170. field name
  171. length
  172. character fielda
  173. field name
  174. length
  175. character fielda
  176. STATE"
  177. field name
  178. length
  179. character fielda
  180. field name
  181. length
  182. character fielda
  184. field name
  185. length
  186. character fielda
  188. field name
  189. --- if any errors end programe
  190. Can't open rollodex"
  191. Error
  192. --- get dbf's statistics
  193. --- fix up for scroll bar
  194. --- assign min & max values to scroll bar
  195. DisplayRecord
  196. Save_Click
  197. Record_Change
  198. Display the next record
  199. New_Click
  200. Makes a new record
  201. ClearForm
  202. Clears out a formd
  203. SaveForm
  204. Saves a database record to the database.
  205. Field data is saved as you tab between
  206. fields!
  207. --- save the record
  208. --- get dbf's statistics
  209. record added
  210. Quit_Click
  211. EndProgram
  212. Close database, unload server and exit program
  213. Fname_LostFocus
  214. Lname_LostFocus
  215. Contact_LostFocus
  216. Address_LostFocus
  217. City_LostFocus
  218. State_LostFocus
  219. Zip_LostFocus
  220. WorkPhone_LostFocus
  221. HomePhone_LostFocus